"Out of the Silent Planet" is a single from the Iron Maiden album Brave New World, released in 2000. The single features two live tracks from the 1999 Ed Hunter tour, which featured the band reunited with guitarist Adrian Smith and vocalist Bruce Dickinson, as well as the promotional video for "Out of the Silent Planet.". Cover art was by Mark Wilkinson. According to interviews with band members, the song was primarily influenced by the science fiction movie Forbidden Planet. (In addition, the name "Out Of The Silent Planet" is an obvious reference to the 1938 CS Lewis science fiction novel by the same title.) That's a fairly straightforward romp through sci-fi territory and a sort of 'Run To The Hills' revisited vibe. Certainly by halfway through the song 'cos I certainly wanted to get into the old gallop bit from the get go and Steve was like "Let's not give it to 'em straight away". It's based on the sci-fi classic The Forbidden Planet which is monsters from the id and this is basically monsters from the id. Again that was the inspiration for it anyway, a bunch of aliens who have destroyed their planet and now they've left their silent planet and they're coming to get us. —Bruce Dickinson, maidenfans.com It's a peculiarity in that despite being one of only 2 singles from the album , this was not played on the majority of the accompanying world tour - only in a few encores in South America and the Brixton Academy concerts . The music video is a recording of the band's ...
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