Thursday, August 18, 2011

Symphony X - Domination (Bass Cover) Mike Lepond says "excellent job on the song !!" This is my first Youtube cover video. It's "Domination" by Symphony X off of the album Paradise Lost. Since a bunch of you have been asking about tabs, here is a bass transcription which I found, and then corrected and completed so it was correct: The intro riff's triplets in the song has a hammer and slide, which is wrong, as it is all hammered. I transcribed it for my 6-string, Mike Lepond uses a 4-string, so it's entirely possible on a 4-string, so those of you 4-stringers just need to move the unplayable notes to the next strings. I did hit a few sour notes, and bullshitted a couple parts when I couldn't remember what the exact notes were. A few sections are still a little rough, but this is the best I can do in a full beginning-to-end take. I recorded the video by hooking up my DV Camera to my computer and recording the video straight to disk, and I recorded the audio with my Line 6 POD X3 Live. I then stripped the audio from the video file and put the audio mixdown into the video. It appears that the little text box in the lower left is too blurry. It's just the name of the song, artist, album, and performer (me) for those who are wondering. Bass: Ibanez SR506

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