Saturday, April 7, 2012

Peavey Millenium BXP 4-string Bass

Peavey Millenium BXP 4-string bass demo. My friend came to visit & said lets make a video! Not what i had in mind but... she had great questions and wanted to know about my guitars. So this series was born, Great bass guitars for under $200 bucks, reviewing guitars & basses costing $150-$350, that aren't crappy; what to look for, why some things are the way they are... but for the meaning of life, check Monty Python. Otherwise leave a comment, rate (5 stars is good) or question and hopefully it will inform we artists and the manufacturers too. No more stank gear! If we're cutting trees, make it worth it.

Gibson ES Bestsellers in MP3 Downloads best seller books

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